Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We have created a monster!

Evan has been doing really well with the potty training. He has had a couple of peeing accidents at school, but pretty good. He pooped at school today for the first time. When we got home tonight, Evan said to me, "I am going to poop after you read me a story, and you will say, "Yay, Evan! You did it!"" LOL. He did. And I said what he had scripted for me. And then he pooped again. The treasures make it worth it for him. I went in there again and he was still sitting on the potty (45 minutes later) looking at the bucket of treasures he got. I convinced him to try again tomorrow when he had some more poop.

Tonight, Evan, Delilah and I went to The White Fence Farm with Jen, Jose, Jasmine, Lori, Jayson, and Kayli. The White Fence Farm is not far from where we used to live, but we never went there. It has a petting zoo and a play ground and all sorts of crap. When we first got there, I said to Evan, "Come on. We have to go over a bridge." And he said, "Oh, holy shit." LOL. I said, "What did you just say?" He said, "Nossing."

He also told me that his name was "Evan Superstar." Good to know.

1 comment:

Jennifer Baldovinos said...

I had a great time with you guys last night! Glad that you were able to come out :). Yeah that Evan is making more progress!