Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Potty Humor

When I picked Evan up from daycare today, the teacher told me a funny story. She said that she told Evan that if he pooped in the potty that he could have a treasure. He went in there and came out yelling that he had pooped. She went in there and saw that he had pooped the world's tiniest poop. She told him that it had to be bigger to get the treasure. So he climbed on the toilet, clutched the seat with both hands, closed his eyes and started to chant, "I will get a treasure, I will get a treasure, I will get a treasure." And he did.

Next, tonight on my first poop in the bedroom potty of the night, I said to Evan, "I don't know what you ate today, but it stinks!" He looked confused and said, "I ate breakfast and lunch." Touche.

Is it anyone else or do I just have an inordinate number of stories involving poop these days?

1 comment:

shawnandlarissa said...

LOL! Kids are just so honest