Monday, July 20, 2009

I found a stack of cards in James' stuff tonight...some were old Christmas old card from me during our first month of dating (that one is actually quite funny because it details a legendary moment when my little sister almost very nearly died in an amusing way...ask her about it sometime). Then there was another stack of unused correspondence cards. I can only imagine that Linda brought this stuff this weekend. One in particular caught my attention:

"I hope that this is one of those little things...." that what? that make me want to hide in a corner and call for my momma? that make me wish I had never seen the movie IT as a child? that reinforces my fear of clowns? Seriously, this is the stuff of nightmares. You can see the blood in that guys eyes....and around his eyes. And on his hands. WTF?

(the inside actually says "That perks up your day and makes you happy" if you were curious. Uh, no. LMAO).

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