Today is 37 weeks pregnant! Just three weeks left to the due date. Yowza. Last night, I picked up some swim diapers and new (Lightning McQueen) swimming trunks for Evan, and James, Evan, and I went to the pool at James' gym. The idea behind this trip was so that I could do some handstands in the pool to try to get the baby to flip. And I figured it would be fun for Evan. So I did a few handstands and we passed Evan back and forth. Evan had so much fun. He was giggling and screaming and splashing. He really had a great time. Who knows whether this actually worked. It is hard to tell which end is up inside. But he had fun, and it was really nice to be weightless for a few minutes. When I got out, it was hard to walk. LOL.
I took Evan into the locker room to change him out of his swim diaper and he keeps announcing, "I peed! I peed!" You may not know, but swim diapers do nothing to contain pee; there is no absorbency because otherwise the weight of the pool would be in his diaper. So the pee is probably dripping out with the water. LMAO. So I kept hushing him as to not alarm anyone. LOL. Then, in one of the more mortifying moments in my life....I took off the maternity tankini top (thank you Jen for letting me borrow!) and tried to get my bra on. Yeah, nothing like feeling that the entire locker room is staring at your 9 month pregnant belly and giant, ready-to-nurse-a-baby boobs, while you futilely try to pull a bra on over wet skin. LOL.
There was a young girl there who kept talking to me about swim diapers and such...she was probably about 13 or so. She did say, "If kids are in my future, I hope I have one like him." Sweet, huh? James said I should have said, "Here you go!" LOL.
I know Evan had fun because as I was walking out the door at daycare this morning, I heard him telling another mother, "I went swimming." Sweet boy.
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
1 comment:
It's the same when you have no boobs.
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