James just left for his first night of work this week. James is getting over being sick and I am trying to fight it off. I think Evan is fighting off something too. We had pesto pasta tonight and that gives me heartburn on a good day...let alone being pregnant. Ugh. I am sitting here watching Juno and putting off writing some thank yous.
This weekend went by so fast. Yesterday, Jen threw me a shower. Beforehand, I took James and Evan to McDonald's for a quick lunch. Evan kept trying to climb up in the playland, but was having trouble with the ladder portion of it. So he took off his socks and climbed up the slide. He was crawling around in the tubes above our head. I went to buy us lunch and he was out by the time I got back. James said that Evan was climbing around up there saying, "I don't like this at all. I don't like this one bit." LOL. When he saw me, he told me, "I was bery (very) brave. I came down the scary slide. I was bery brave."
Emily and Jen were the first to arrive. Emily to help me with Evan while I fixed the house. Jen did the food prep. Then my in laws and my MIL's friend came over. James and his dad took Evan out to play for a couple of hours. Evan seemed to be ok with the fact that people were bringing "sister" presents. We had a lovely shower. It was a nice size, good food, and wonderful people. Being the center of attention isn't usually my favorite thing...but it wasn't too bad. I was dying of heat though. LOL. I had a lot of fun and got some lovely gifts. I will post some pictures, when I get some.
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
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