I guess it is about time for another blog. Today is a busy day. James and I met at lunch to go refinance the house. We got a great rate and it will cut our payments down almost $300 a month. We will need that "extra" money for child care soon....it will almost pay for a week of care for both kids. LOL. You know what they say, "Mo' Money, Mo' Problems." I am back at work after that...but will leave in about an hour to go to my 36 week appointment. Doctor said she would do an ultrasound to determine which way the baby is pointing, so that will be exciting. After that, it is home and then James and I will go to Toys R' Us to pick out some birthday gifts for Evan (David and Linda are hanging with the boy.). So very busy.
Mostly, it has been an uneventful week (at least on my end). We just got word today that the agencies we are working with asked for another 60 day extension...so that totally jacks up my timeline. Not my problem, I guess. It will be for someone else to deal with in the coming weeks.
Evan has been a funny boy lately. I was telling him to march out of my room yesterday morning. I asked him if he knew what "marching" was. He said, "My birthday." Smart kid. LOL. Same morning, I asked James if he had seen our computer's flashdrive. Evan held up a funnel that he has been using as pretend flashlight and said, "here it is!" He is sort of a goof. I am sure he is enjoying his time with his Grandma and Grandpa today.
Not a whole lot planned for this weekend. Just getting some last minute stuff together and possibly packing my hospital bag. Sunday, we have plans to go to the Roadhouse with Jen, Jose, and Jasmine. Evan loves that place :)
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
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