I am teleworking today. I was going to telework this morning prior to having to take Evan downtown for his visit with the ENT, but realized that I didn't have the token that supplies me with my ever changing numerical password for my work account. High security does have its downside. So I took Evan into the office with me. I needed to scan some documents, so Evan hung out with a coworker while I did that. He made lots of pretty pictures with my highlighters. He also insisted on watching some cars videos on You Tube. He did not want to leave. I am pretty sure that is what he thinks I do at work (some days he isn't all that far off ;P). So he was sullen when we had to leave and wouldn't say good bye to anyone. Such a delightful child.
Then to the ENT office downtown. He enjoys that part of if because he gets to ride multiple elevators. But per usual, we had to wait forever in the waiting room. He was getting a little rowdy and would do exactly the opposite of what I asked him to do. "Please don't bang on the aquarium" equals loud banging accompanied by barking at the fish. The little turd knows that I can't discipline him in the same way at places like those. But he did end up in time out at a table for while. We also had to wait in the dr. office for a long time. (all told 90 minutes at KP today). I was trying to manage keeping Evan from pushing buttons on the chair, talking to the doctor, and not openly threatening a beating. He still has one tube hanging on. She will want to remove it if it stays in another couple months. So it is still a wait and see. He has a cold right now, so we will see if it develops into an ear infection.
We had our second weekend as a family! It was really nice. I think it was Friday night that I made pancakes. Evan loves him some pancakes....and so does James. So there was one last one on the plate and James was waiting to see if Evan wanted it. I asked Evan if Daddy could have the last pancake. And Evan said, "No, I hungry." So I put it on his plate and Evan said, "I eat the last one. I eat it all gone." I couldn't believe that he was saying it spitefully, but you should have seen the grin. Oh lord. He didn't even eat it all. LOL.
Saturday, we went to the mall and then to Smashburger (new burger place, really good burger, so-so fries, intestinal issues following). I can't even remember the rest of the day. LOL. Must have been good. Sunday, Evan and I went grocery shopping. And James went to urgent care (after over a week of me pestering him :P). He had a really sore throat that sort of baffled the doctors there because it was so swollen. The quick strep test came back negative, but the dna one came back positive (we both just heard from his doctor). So James will hopefully feel better soon. James and I moved some stuff around the house and hung up some stuff in baby's room. We watched the tiniest bit of the Super Bowl to ensure that the Office was going to record and then went to bed.
My car is running too loudly...not sure what that is about. So I am planning on taking it in to the dealership tomorrow. So more teleworking at least for the morning.
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
1 comment:
His behavior is so endearing.
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