Exhaustion is the word of the day....week. So tired. I don't know if this is a function of pregnancy, or if it is my body fighting off something else. I have some congestion and a mild cough too...but nothing terrible.
This weekend, James, Evan, and I went to my folks' house. It is our last trip as a family of three. Evan gets a kick out of going to their house....they have tons of animals. He particularly loves Rooster the dog (Wooster). I think Rooster loves him too. They run after each other endlessly. Right after we got there, Dad went out and found that one of their ewes had had two lambs within the last couple of hours. So we had to go out and see them. Evan's reaction was "Ew." to the backend of the ewe. LOL. The babies were pretty darn cute.
Evan followed Rooster out to the pasture (and James followed Evan). The horses got spooked by Evan's presence and started to run. I didn't see this, so I have to rely on James' account of what happened. James was scared of Evan being trampled, so he snatched him up. James later told me that his first instinct was to draw his gun at the horses. I have to say that it makes me very happy that James is so protective of his son. He loves him dearly. But it does make me cringe and giggle at the events that would have followed had he shot my parents' horses. It would have been a tough one to explain to my dad that my husband just shot his horses with his duty weapon. LOL. Luckily, we didn't have to deal with that. Really, the visual still makes me giggle a bit.
We had some wonderful meals that mom and dad prepared. So yummy. We also got to watch Dad's new favorite movie, The War (with Elijah Wood and "Kevin Costner in a secondary role"). The movie was not my favorite...but after talking to a couple of coworkers...there are at least a handful of other people who agree with my dad. (Dad, Claire and Suzanne's little boys agree with you! LOL). I had some awesome swelling of my feet...don't know if it was the heat (my god, the heat! :P ) or the altitude or what....
We drove home and had lunch with James' folks. At one point I was speaking sternly to Evan about staying in his chair and he pointed his finger at me and said, "You know the rules!" Apparently I have said that to him before :P. I could barely keep my eyes open that afternoon. I had to take a nap.
I had Monday off, so we spent some more time together. I went to Bosom Buddies for my nursing bras and pump parts...trying to get all prepared for this baby. We also went to the mall for a minute. I took another nap that day too. I am soooo not a napper either.
Today was back to work. Nice to meet up with coworkers again. One of them is newly engaged. So that is fun. Evan had a rough day at school today I guess. There was a new kid in the class and he and Evan got into a fight. Over what, I don't know, but Evan had some major scratches to his face. The kid went right for his eye. He is a trooper though and it doesn't seem to bother him at all.
Tomorrow, my work friends are taking me to lunch for a work shower. I am excited :)
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
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