Saturday, February 21, 2009


It is just after 6am on a Saturday and I am up way before the rest of my family. I had loads of strange dreams and just couldn't go back to sleep. Too much on my mind I suppose.

I had my 36 week appointment with my doctor yesterday. Baby is breech. I could see the disappointment on my doctor's face. She knows how bad I wanted a VBAC. I am sad and this morning a little mad. I read up in my books on breech babies, and wouldn't you know normal head down presentation happens with almost all (singleton) babies on their own...only 3 -5 % of pregnancies have breech babies. F---, why me? Why this birth? After all that I have done to try to avoid a c-section.

There are some options, of course. Doctor wants me to wait a week and go back for another ultrasound to see if she has turned. I am going to see what my doulas recommend for encouraging a turn. (there are some weird suggestions out there). If she is still bottom down next week, then she said we can do a version. A version would be done in the hospital. They would give me a uterus relaxing drug and then manually try to turn the baby. The cons are that it is only 60% effective. If the baby does turn, they can always turn back before the birth. It is not a pleasant fact most people say it can hurt a lot. It also could cause problems with the baby/placenta that would require an immediate emergency c-section, under general anesthesia. Which is the experience I got to have with Evan, that I am trying to avoid. If I have to have a c-section, I would like to at least be awake this time.

Ugh. I am just so sad and mad. The first days of Evan's birth were such a fog and so unpleasant that I have a hard time remembering them and I was hoping things would be different this time. It is hard to know if it was depression setting in, or if it was all the pain meds I was on.

Anyhow, I need to go wipe my tears and get my boy up. He is awake now. Happy weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wish I could make this "all better" for you, darling daughter. We're all thinking turning thoughts for you and the Kid.