I am not totally sure what that title means, other than I believe it was a title in a Chapter of The First Four Years. Written by Laura Ingalls Wilder and her daughter Rose Wilder Lane. And I thought it seemed fitting for my post about Delilah's birthday.
My sweet baby girl turned 1 yesterday. I cannot believe that it was only a year ago. And yet in some ways it seems like the longest year of my life. It was a difficult year, but that sweet face makes it all worthwhile.
Delilah does "Ta Da" and raises her hands to the sky. She also blows kisses, says "Hi" in the cutest voice when she sees a phone or a cat, and claps when you say "Patty Cake." Her favorite part of "Patty Cake" is the "Throw it in a Pan!" She giggles. She also gets super mad at her brother when he takes one of his cars away from her. She tries to jump on him and bite at him (with her one tooth).
She enjoyed her birthday. She seemed to like her new toys. She did not want to touch her cupcake. Instead, she preferred me to hold it for her...while she licked off the frosting.
Happy birthday, sweet baby girl. I cannot wait to see what this year brings for you.
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
Happy birthday Delilah
Yeah! Happy birthday, Delilah. I can't believe it's been a year. She is such a sweet little girl :).
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