I wanted Baby D to get her own birthday post...but there is soooo much going on.
I am going to talk about my baby sister...I hope she doesn't mind. She got some news that she has a skin cancer spot. She had most of it removed, but needs to go back to have more removed. I hope this is just a one time thing for her. I love her so and it worries me to think of her going through problems. Not that she isn't capable. Because believe me, she is. She just started her new job out in the middle of nowhere. Living on her own in her own rented house. What a grown up! We will miss seeing more of her.
I am still trying to lose weight. I really hope I can have a loss this week. I shared a brownie a la mode with my coworker yesterday. I tried to be really good the rest of the night. Today, I had a plan to get a coffee on the way in, but McD's sabotaged my efforts by putting whipped cream on top of my mocha. 5 points. That is a meal in itself. :( So Greek for lunch. I think I did ok. I will have to eat only the points I have allotted the rest of the week. I weigh in on Sunday.
This weekend, we took the kids to the mall. On the way there, Evan kept trying to break into our conversation. Finally, he yelled, "Mama! Listen to my words!" LOL. At the mall, we went to this Lego store. He really wanted this Thomas the Train Lego set. I explained that he could not have it because he already got a car from the grocery store. He was very very sad. So I stopped and talked to him, told him that I wished I could buy him everything he wants, but that we don't have all the money in the world to buy everything that we want. He cheered up a little when James put him on his shoulders. We got to the fountain, and I handed him a penny and said, "Ok, make a wish and throw it in!" Evan said, gravely, "I wish I had the Thomas Legos," and tossed his penny in. He is desperately hoping his birthday gets here soon.
James and I are going to take tomorrow off together. We have plans to get some stuff done around the house...but after that possibly a movie or something!
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
Hope everything turns out ok for your sister. Scary stuff
I love you.
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