James just left for work. Both kids are down for bed. Evan just yelled, "Fine!" and then screamed a blood-curdling scream. This made Delilah stir, but it sounds like she is still sleeping.
The kids' days went well. Evan seemed to be having fun there. Although, I suspect he is one of the older ones in his class right now. He will move up when they have determined that he is potty-trained. He did great today with no accidents. He has actually been saying, "I have to pee!" and goes on his own.
When I read to Evan tonight I asked him if he was ready to go back to his new school tomorrow. He nodded yes and then said, "I won't be sad tomorrow." I told him that made me happy. Then he said, "That baby won't scare me anymore." When I was leaving him this morning, this chubby cheeked toddler took a toy out of Evan's hand. He was probably just 2, if that. LOL. That was the scary baby.
I am nursing a cold right now. I feel kind of yucky. Need to go to bed. But I enjoy the solitude so much. I can see why my mom used to get up in the middle of the night to sew.
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
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