Last night I was up tooooo late. We had a bad storm last night that woke me up last night. I have been watching Tori and Dean. I want to like them because they are pretty cute and funny. But I have a hard tme liking them because they both cheated on spouses when they first hooked up. Dean actually had just adopted a baby girl when he left his first wife for Tori. Blech.
And it was a little weird seeing Tori ask her nanny if it would be ok if her baby girl could have some type of food. Shouldn't she know what is ok for her baby? It is hers. I suppose it is a miracle that Tori is as normal as she is.
Evan just called me up to his room with most pathetic, "Mommy? Mommy?" I went up there and he said, "My toe hurts. I need a band aid." I asked him, "What did you do to it?" He said, "I bit it." Hm. Well, I guess try not to do that anymore. LOL.
Right. Ok. Right after this show is over, I am going to go get ready for bed and then feed the baby. I am on my way.
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
1 comment:
Isn't it wonderful to be truly ALONE?!
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