I made a roast tonight! My first. I think it was good. I am not a huge meat eater. Knowing that it used to be a moving animal skeeves me out (especially when Dad tells me, "Oh yeah, that is a shoulder bone. Just leave it in!). Barf! But it tasted great...and so did the potatoes and carrots. I love those carrots...makes me think of home and mama's roasts. I think that the best part was the gravy I made. Yum!
James is back to work tonight; it was nice having him home for the weekend. We had some fun! Yesterday, we took Evan on the light rail downtown. He loves trains...so this was very exciting. Riding a train, watching trains, waiting for trains. The only downside was that it was pretty cold. We ate at Bubba Gump Shrimp Company. Evan had a great time.
Today, was more low-key... Evan and I went grocery shopping, and then to brunch with my friends, Erin and Kelli. Erin brought her 2 year old boy, Drew. Drew and Evan had so much fun, playing with cars, and making a mess of the booth we were seated in. LOL. The rest of the day, I spent doing things that needed to be done. We finally got all of the boxes out of our bedroom (now just 10 rooms to go!). I also built the bassinet. Overdid it though...my back is killing me.
I am watching the SAG awards...more as background noise than anything right now. Evan is excited to go to school tomorrow...I guess we thoroughly bored him. :P Next up, ICECREAM!
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
I had a great weekend with you guys too. My new schedule is awesome!
Whew, I thought you had forgotten you had a blog, I was worried! Sure can't wait for the 7th!
Speaking of trains... Uncle Don and I wanted to take our kids for a train ride (probably 1969). I called to find out where you could go for a day trip and was told we could take the California Zephyr to Bond, CO and wait there a few hours til Zephyr from California came back on the way to Denver. We did that (our kids were 2 and 3). They loved the train; but Bond, not so much. There is nothing there except the place where the railroaders eat and/or sleep. It was a beautiful fall day and one of the railroad men took us to his cabin for a little while. When we got back to Denver, we went to eat at a restaurant near Littleton that was like a windmill. That was a long comment, wasn't it? Love your blog!
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