Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I have been a bad little blogger....

It has been too long...but it is hard to find time at home. And I have been knitting again, so I would rather do than be on the computer at night. At work, I have little excuse because it has been dead here. I will try to be better (although no one ever comments....).

I have a fun little story. A month or so ago, my sisters Emily and Madeline came over and we decided to cook a relatively elaborate dinner. We walked over to King Soopers for supplies and I saw this picture of a pie that I *had* to have. Like this:

But we could not find the recipe anywhere. We looked for ready made pies, but none of them had four layers :(. I was very sad. We found a decent substitute and life went on. But today...I was looking through an older People magazine and found it on an ad for CoolWhip. LMAO. So freaking excited. So I am going to make this pie sometime soon. and eat it all. Triple Layer Mud Pie

And on we go. I am going to be 30 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I feel BIG. I don't know how I could get any bigger, but it happens. I had a meeting with my doulas last night. We went over positions to get the baby in an optimal position (so we can hopefully avoid a breech baby, or when labor starts, get this baby facing the right way). We also just chatted a lot. I like them both a lot. I got an email from one of them this morning that said, "I wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed being with you and James tonight. You are going to labor gently and comfortably, you will do beautifully. Karen and I were talking on the way about what a special couple you are and how happy that we are your Doulas. Jessica, we think you have picked a cute Dad for your babies." Isn't that nice? (We are "special" all right.)

I brought up the doula (J) who taught our childbirth class at the hospital last time and how we thought she was a nut. Apparently, there is some doula drama because they don't like J and said she is a liability to the profession. I can agree because that woman said some really strange things.

Evan is a hoot. Yesterday, he ate 4 waffles, 3 tubes of yogurt, 1.5 peanut butter sandwiches, and two little dove icecream bars....and some chips. Growth spurt I guess. Today he will probably eat nothing.


Anonymous said...

That pie looks wonderful. I weighed myself today and ....there is no room for pie. Pisses me off, ya know.

How's the knitting?

Anonymous said...

Knitting is going surprisingly well!

Anonymous said...

I am really glad you found the PIE, and I can't wait for the shower :)

Anonymous said...

I love pie!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry thats from Emily :)