Dear, Damn Baby (If you can name that movie, I will give you a $1. If you can't, research and watch it, because it is cute),
You are making me fat. I know this because I had my 32 week appointment yesterday and my Nurse Practitioner was not happy with my 8 lbs. gain in 4 weeks. She blamed the sweets...but you know better. I don't eat too many sweets. I just eat too many everything else. In particular, granola bars, Breagos (let me tell you about the wonderfulness that is a Breago some other time), and lots and lots of cereal. I am trying to do better today. This morning was cereal at 6:30, a banana at 8:30, a granola bar a little bit ago...and I am starving. Lunch isn't for another two hours so I am not sure what I am going to do.
Baby, I watched the Inauguration yesterday at work. We had a Inaugaration Viewing Party with a wonderful breakfast that was consumed prior to that fateful doctor's appointment. You were kicking away (I think you like donuts, too) while I watched history being made. I am so happy that you are coming into a world where you will never remember what it was like before black people could be president. I hope (and believe) that in your lifetime, you will see a woman president. Anything seems possible. We have such a hole to dig ourselves out of, but I think that this is a great country you are priviledged to be born into. What a proud happy day! We are all back to work here today. The White House has already updated its webpage with the new administration's views on things. I was happy to see good things for all people being equal.
Now, I need to go back to preparing for my meeting and planning my next meal.
Love, Mom
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
1 comment:
Waitress!!!!! I win! xoxo emily
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