I am alone tonight...last night was James' first night on the new schedule. Which will mean we get weekends together, but 3 or 4 nights a week, James has to go to work a 7:00. It has worked out ok so far, but our early evenings are rushed. Last night I just watched the Golden Globes all night. Tonight is Jon and Kate Plus Eight. Which is an absolutely horrifying show on TLC.
The weekend was nice. I am struggling to even remember what we did on Saturday. Ah, yes. Evan and I went out to Target (his favorite), and then to the furniture store. We got Evan a new dresser. It comes tomorrow. He was a little nervous tonight that I was going to make him sleep in the crib in the baby's room (since his old dresser and crib are in there now). I am glad he likes his new bed so much. After that excursion, I asked Evan what he wanted for lunch. He said, "cheese." So, I thought that Sweet Tomatoes (an all you can eat, soup and salad and pasta bar) would be good. He eats free, which is very good, because the kid doesn't eat. He got a tray of shredded cheese, croutons, and pickles. I tried to play up the yumminess of my baked potato. He gave me a face and said, "No, I don't like that food. That food makes me sick." The theatrics were hysterical. I had to laugh. I *think* we went out to dinner that night...but can't remember. Ah, yes. We went out and Evan almost made it necessary to get the food to go. LOL.
Sunday, we had lunch with Kala and then she went with me to Babies R Us. Today, we had a freak snowstorm. It was coming down like crazy this morning. So I dropped Evan off at school and then came back home to work from home. Lucky for me because it took a coworker who lives near me 2.5 hours to get downtown. Today was Evan's first official day in the big kid's class. He is one of the few un-potty trained ones. I am hoping that will help us make that transition. When James and I picked him up, he was thrilled to see James. He had to show James his cubby and all sorts of stuff. I think he enjoys himself there....even if he doesn't want to go all the time.
I may have mentioned the Lightning McQueen socks that Kala got him and we lost one, so I was on a quest to find others. Linda managed to find the motherlode and ordered him a bunch. So what does the kid do? he carries them around in a shopping bag. It broke my heart to see him showing Daisy (even though she was terrified of the bag) his socks. He put it down on the floor and pulled out a couple of socks to show Daisy.
He was upstairs in bed playing just now and told me that his head hurts. And that he needed medicine. I hope he isn't coming down with something. I can't explain what I feel for this boy. I have told James before that I feel like I have known Evan all my life. Not all his life, because that would be obvious. But all
my life. I knew him even before he was born. He has been in me always.
And that hormonal thought was brought to you by the Unnamed One...and reminds me of one last story. I started on the baby's room this weekend. I attempted to hang curtains and the m-fers who built this house put metal plates all over near the windows. So I made a lot of holes unnecessarily. This caused a lot of tears and yelling on my part. The curtains are up, but please, don't pull on them. LOL