Yay! I made it through my first week back. Whew! Tired. Hoping to sleep in a bit tomorrow. Hopefully the kids will comply.
We got to see Dad last night. That was fun. Evan was excited to see he was still here this morning.
Work is picking up significantly. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/04/AR2009060404176.html?hpid=moreheadlines is an article about the work I am doing. So since this was finally sent over (after months of feet dragging) the poop really hits the fan. I have a draft to rewrite with that in mind.
I am going for Indian food for lunch. Looking forward to that! I am scooting out of here early so that we can take Evan to the doctor. His butt and his cough need to be inspected. Hopefully unrelated.
Pumping is still pretty much sucking. It seems like a lot of time and effort to get 6 ounces or so a day. Plus I really hate "letting down" in between sessions. If I even think about Delilah, my boobs start to ache and I know they are leaking into the breast pads. Breast pads are soooo sexy too. I love the circles that you can see through my shirts! Better than wet spots though, I suppose.
Evan is going to tomorrow to see the Dora show with his BFF Chase. I think they will have so much fun. No soccer because of that (and I am actually relieved to not have to push him to go).
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
1 comment:
Just thinking about pumping stresses me out. Seems like a lot of work.
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