Last night, I laid Delilah down in her crib to sleep for the first time. When I first laid her down, she gave me a little pout like, "Please don't leave me all alone." I worked for an hour on the computer (real work stuff...kicking my butt right now!) and then knit for an hour. I had just posted on Facebook that D was sleeping in her crib for the first time and the little monkey woke up. She let out a holler that she was hungry, so I went in and rescued her. She was very very happy to see me. And then we slept happily in my bed the rest of the night :)
This morning, Evan saw a pair of shorts I had set out to take with me to he has extra. He asked me, "Mama, are those dirty?" I said, "No, they are clean." He said, "Oh, my bad." LOL. I love when he tries out those little statements...who knew he had the lexicon of a college student in the late 1990s.
I managed for once to get out the door on time. I was even gloating about it as I walked into daycare. Until Evan realized that he (I) had forgotten Kitty Cat. We can't go to daycare without Kitty Cat. So, I had to drive home and get the little mongrel. Thwarted again.
Today is super busy. Getting all this stuff ready for the testimony; going to Indian for lunch; having a quick shower planning meeting; maybe a movie with my hubby tonight. Tomorrow is Evan's surgery.
Check out his soccer video:
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
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