Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Damn you, Kitty Cat!

Last night, I laid Delilah down in her crib to sleep for the first time. When I first laid her down, she gave me a little pout like, "Please don't leave me all alone." I worked for an hour on the computer (real work stuff...kicking my butt right now!) and then knit for an hour. I had just posted on Facebook that D was sleeping in her crib for the first time and the little monkey woke up. She let out a holler that she was hungry, so I went in and rescued her. She was very very happy to see me. And then we slept happily in my bed the rest of the night :)

This morning, Evan saw a pair of shorts I had set out to take with me to daycare...so he has extra. He asked me, "Mama, are those dirty?" I said, "No, they are clean." He said, "Oh, my bad." LOL. I love when he tries out those little statements...who knew he had the lexicon of a college student in the late 1990s.

I managed for once to get out the door on time. I was even gloating about it as I walked into daycare. Until Evan realized that he (I) had forgotten Kitty Cat. We can't go to daycare without Kitty Cat. So, I had to drive home and get the little mongrel. Thwarted again.

Today is super busy. Getting all this stuff ready for the testimony; going to Indian for lunch; having a quick shower planning meeting; maybe a movie with my hubby tonight. Tomorrow is Evan's surgery.

Check out his soccer video:

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Ultimate in Multitasking

I am blogging while standing....while cooking dinner. I just have no time!

I lost 2 pounds this week! Woo hoo! The holiday weekend will be the real test.

We are officially starting the new daycare July 20th. Our kids will be assimilated into the Christian culture. LOL. I told Evan's teacher today and she cried. :( So I cried. They love him so there. I made sure to stress that it is purely financial and that we love them otherwise. So sad.

This morning while feeding Delilah, I asked Evan to tell me a story. It went like this, "Once upon a time there was a boy named Evan. He lived with Mommy and Daddy and Bear and Tyler and Daisy." "Anyone else?" "And Emowy (Emily)" "What about Delilah?" "yes" "what did Evan like to do?" "Eat breakfast." We went on like this for a while. Pretty cute.

A little bit later he said something that sounded like "Shit." I gave him THE EYE and said, "I do not like that language." Perhaps, I misunderstood him because he said with a confused frown, "But I didn't say 'Day-mit.'" LOL.

I have many other adventures to tell you about, but they will have to wait until the proverbial shit is no longer hitting the fan at work.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Please don't leave me

Night before last, when I was putting Evan to bed, I was singing to him Pink's Please Don't Leave Me. (for reference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddZPrJ8ROto) I was singing the chorus, "Please don't leave me. Please don't leave me. I always say how much I need you." He would repeat what I had sang after each line. And then he started to sing his own lyrics, "Please don't leave me. I want to go with you. I love you." It was hilarious. What a talented little guy.

Last night, Emily came over to help me out because we were on our own as James had to work a different shift. She and I had a good time...made roasted red pepper wraps with feta and spinach. Yummy. Then brownies with ice cream. All weightwatchers friendly :) We were hoping to get watch True Life I am Pregnant with Twins or 16 and Pregnant....but MTV was only playing Michael Jackson stuff. Boo.

I think MJ was very talented and very damaged. It is sad that there is a whole generation of people who don't remember him before he hacked up his face and (allegedly) started touching little boys. But I don't want to watch MJ videos all night. Darn it.

I have a ton to do today before my boss comes back Monday. Better get cracking. Donuts for new staff at 9:30 woo hoo!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hurry Up and Wait

Hurry up and wait. it is what the government is all about. Is why GSA has to hurry up and spend $22 million on our stupid building fixing things that don't need to be fixed to fix the economy. My slow days of work are over as of tomorrow. My big boss called today and said that our requesters on the Hill want a testimony next month as opposed to the report we were publishing in September. So first thing tomorrow, I need to start revamping our report to become a testimony. Yowza. So I may not get to blog as much as I would like. I am going to try though. When my boss gets back from her vacation next week the poop will hit the fan.

I am intrigued by Twitter. But I can't figure it out. When I read people's twitter pages it doesn't make any sense. Oh well :P.

Ah, home

I went all the way to work today. Went down at 9 am to pump....and realized that I left some integral parts of the pump at home. Sooooo....I had to drive all the way home. Now I am teleworking. Which isn't so bad. I am missing getting to have Indian for lunch. As part of our Diversity month, they are eating indian food and watching "Slumdog Millionaire."

Yesterday, I went to that Christian daycare. It wasn't bad. The teachers seemed nice. The facility is HUGE. They do teach a bible story a day...and pray before meals....but I could live with that. I think we are going to go to their open house this weekend. They will even have pony rides.

Last night, Evan complained of a headache so Emily gave him a bandaid for his head. Then a little later he was crying, so I went up to his room. Poor thing was sitting on the floor crying. He said, "I think I am going to throw up." So we ran to the bathroom. I saw him bending over as we walked in....so I tried to catch it. LOL. It was totally second nature. Needless to say, he didn't make it, and my hands couldn't catch it all. So there was some clean up involved. I don't know if he just had an upset tummy or what. But he was fine this morning.

Miss D was sleeping very fretfully last night. She kept partially waking and stirring. It kept me up for a while. She seemed ok this morning too. So, I don't know. They are ganging up on me. :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

A couple of things that made me smile this morning:
I was looking for a blanket for Delilah to cover her in her car seat and Evan started to yell, "I have a 'Dea! I have a 'Dea!" (idea, I think). He thought he knew where one was.
And then we were talking about how Daddy was home this morning but that he had to go to work tonight. I asked Evan if he knew where Daddy worked and he said, "The gym." LOL.

Today, I have lunch plans with my work friends! :) Tonight, Emily is going to come over. We are going to have a Jon & Kate + Eight viewing party. It shouldn't be so much fun to see if a couple is going to get divorced. I do truly feel bad for those kiddos. And I feel like one of the idiots watching The Truman Show, but I CANNOT help myself. Who decides to let the whole world watch your marriage unravel. I have no secrets, but even I would draw a line there. Kate talks about how this is all for her kids, but when you see stuff like this you have to wonder:
I am not even talking about her "denying" her child water. I am talking about how listless those kids are. They shouldn't have to do press! They are 8 and 5 years old! It doesn't look fun at all for them. So, my thoughts are that Jon & Kate are both douchebags. But I still can't help watching tonight.

And then my next dilemma. I found this daycare that would save us $400 a month. It is a state of the art center...looks really cool. The reason it is cheaper is because they offer civil servants 25% off. Well, the downside (isn't there always a downside?) is that it is affiliated with a nondenominational church. I wouldn't mind it if they taught the kids a few bible stories and had a Christmas pageant, but I do not want them indoctrinated. So, I am supposed to go see this place this afternoon. It makes me a little oogey. They call their youth group at this church Revolution Youth. Oogey.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I have just a minute!

I wanted to say that I lost 2.5 lbs. this week. I gave up a lot of yummy food for that :P. Today we celebrated Father's Day with David and Linda. Emily came out to dinner with us too. I hope James enjoyed himself. We went to Mimi's and I only ate soup, salad, and half of a really yummy and very caloric muffin. Job well done.

I am going to hurry up and get off the computer because I want to knit a bit before both kids wake up.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Some Evan-isms

Yesterday, the boy lifted my shirt and said, "I think you have another baby in there." Ha. Thanks, kid. I am trying. LOL.

He and I went to the park near our house yesterday afternoon. He was a "grumpy troll" who lived on the "grumpy troll bridge." I wasn't allowed to cross the grumpy troll bridge. He told me I had to stay over under the "umbrella" which was really sort of a turret. So I told him I was a pretty pretty princess in a castle. He said, "Oh, that's great!" LOL.

He went to soccer today with James. He played for a little while until he fell on his face. And then he was done. We are still struggling with potty training. I bought a big box of cheap toys from the target dollar bins and he was intrigued. But not enough to poop in the potty. I don't know what we are going to do. Maybe we will have to outsource. Hire someone to come in and potty train him. Supernanny, where are you?

Miss Delilah is sick again. She has another cold. She is sneezing and throwing up the mucus in her throat. Poor baby. Poor me. It only means that I am going to get yet another disease from her. She is sitting in front of me on the desk in the Bumbo seat. She thinks that since I am in front of her all is well. But I can still bloggy blog while keeping her company.

We are off to Evan's BFF, Chase's 3rd birthday party this evening. Should be fun. We enjoy that family's company.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Fat Lip

We had some excitement last night. Evan was in his room playing and reading per usual at his bedtime. At about 8, I went in there to see if I could talk him into just using his sheet because it was so warm. I could kind of tell that he was having difficulty talking, so I peered into the dark and said, "What is wrong with your face?!" I could kind of see that his upper lip was fat. My first thought, as I turned on the light, was that he was having some sort of allergic reaction. Nope. Instead, he was covered in blood. There was blood on his mouth, blood on his hands, blood on his feet. I asked him what happened and he said he bit himself. So, I cleaned him up and couldn't really find any major wounds on his mouth. I got him a ice pack to bring the swelling down. Adding to the mystery was some black stuff in his back molars. He had brushed his teeth before bed and hadn't had any Oreos or anything. I brushed that out. James asked Evan, "What did you eat?" Evan said, "Just my lip." LOL. This morning, the poor thing still has a fat lip and there isn't any huge wound that is noticable.

We are pretty confused. He didn't yell out or anything that he had been hurt. But to get it to swell like that you would think it had to be some sort of trauma. Bizarre.

James had some major heartbreak yesterday. The daycare always helps the kids make us things for holidays. So Evan came home yesterday with a card shaped like a tool box with a story about his dad inside. The transcribed message was something like, "My dad likes cereal. He watches TV. He doesn't play with me. He takes me to the park." James was heartbroken. I can't say I blame him. I would have cried for days over something like that. James is a great father. He is more hands on than many many fathers. (Sometimes too hands on. I have to holler at them for wrestling all the time.) I am sort of pissed at the teacher for making what could have been a great gift into a slap in the face. Shame on her.

I don't think I mentioned here that Delilah and I spent the evening the other night in Urgent Care. She has an ear infection. Spent the day sort of upset at daycare. But while we were at urgent care, she was laughing at me. Her first giggles for me. Of course, she hasn't done it since.

Big weekend. Tomorrow is soccer and then Chase's birthday party. Sunday is Father's Day.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Since I have a minute...

I am home. Waiting for dinner to cook. I somehow turned the oven off after preheating it. So dinner sat in there for 30 minutes just chilling. Gah. Evan is watching TV. Miss D is sleeping off her daycare hangover.

I went to my work picnic today. We do it in conjunction with Diversity Month, so the offerings were American BBQ, Spaghetti, Tamales, and Korean Flank Steak. All delicious....not so good on the tummy all together. Although my family will tell me that nothing agrees with me. LOL. There were two pinatas (I know there is supposed to be a tilde above the n but don't know how to do that here)...one for kids, one for adults. The adult one had candy and alcohol shooters in it. I had to miss out because my boobs were going to explode. It was a nice time. I had a hard time sticking to the plan. But I just tried not to overeat. I did, however, have two brownies and two mini cookies. These picnics make it incredibly hard to say how many points I actually ate. Because there were tastes of so many little things. I may say 20 points for it all.

I made Evan a poo poo treasure chest today. I bought a bunch of little crappy toys and put it all in a box so that when he poops on the potty he can pick out something. We will see. He was intrigued and went to try to poop immediately, but to no avail.

Looking forward to sleep tonight. My sinus seems to have cleared. Delilah is recovering nicely from her ear infection. Poor kiddy.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mornings Suck!

I am really forking tired today. Delilah woke at 2 last night to eat, but I had a really hard time going back to sleep because I had another headache in my cheek/teeth area. Ouch. It must be sinuses. I could feel/hear things shift in there. If it gets bad again today, I will go off to the doctor. A bagel would have made it all better this morning :(

This morning, Delilah was happily sitting in her chair, talking to Evil Pooh. Evan said, "Here's she pacifier!" (He gets she/her mixed up.) And he ran over to give it to her. I said, "Be gentle, ok?" And before I could say anything else, he hooked a finger in her mouth and forced it open. LOL. I said, "no, no, no, no!" Evan said, "She not opening she mouth!" Luckily, Delilah just took it all in stride.

Still slow at work today. Going to go to lunch this afternoon. Worried about finding something on plan.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Feeling Lighter

Well, I started my diet yesterday. I was HONGRY. I even felt a little crappy. I hope that I am still eating enough with the milk production. WW allows me to have 5 extra points a day....should be 10, but since I am pumping, I erred on the side of caution. I wanted a bagel and cream cheese and my diet coke this morning. Instead, I was good. I even had some Mother's Milk tea this morning to try to stimulate milk production. Here is my status so far. I want to get down to my prepregnancy weight before our big vacation in October.

We had a nice weekend. Evan played in his soccer game on Saturday. He seemed to enjoy himself a bit more this time. We had my dad, and Emily and Madeline over for dinner Saturday night before their big concert.

Yesterday, Evan and I went to the grocery store. He was a good boy so he got to ride the horse at the end. Another little boy didn't get to ride the horse, so Evan was supposing that may be that little boy wasn't good. As we walked to the car he said, "Yesterday (which to Evan is any day prior to today), I wasn't good." I said, "Yeah, did you have a bad day?" He said, "Yeah, broke my heart." LOL. Later when I was telling James the story, Evan said, "My heart is fixed."

This week is going to be on the boring side, I am afraid. Evan has his pre-op appointment on Wednesday, so I am going to work from home after that. And Thursday is our office picnic. That will be fun....but it seems so far off.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thomas, Percy, Freight Cars, mmmmmmmm

Yesterday, I was in training all day. I learned at least one new thing, which met my goal. It was a different way to spend a day, so that was nice too. I came home a little late. Emily came over to have pizza with the family. All in all a nice night.

While Emily and I were chatting downstairs, Evan was upstairs "reading." We have a baby monitor in his room because our house is big enough now that we probably wouldn't hear him if he needed us...and most of the time, he won't come out to get us.

Evan has been doing this weird sort of moaning/singing/chanting since he was 4 months old. It always happened as he was getting tired, he would start to say, "Mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm." I think it was sort of a meditative thing for him to help wind down. Since he has been talking, he does his "reading" aloud where he names off all the characters that he can see in his books. But he does it in the same intonation as the "Mmmmm, mmmm, mmmm"...it is sort of a nasal droning chant. Emily and I captured it on video last night. He is saying stuff like, "Thomas, Percy, James, Gordon, Freight cars, mmmmmmm..." Cracks us up everytime.

My girl is officially 3 months old now. She is such a sweetheart. The daycare providers said that she was really talkative yesterday. No real suprise there.

Miss D has a little bit of a cold and is sort of snuffly. But she is in good spirits. Can't wait to spend some time with her this weekend.
Well, I must run and pump now. Seeing her cute little face made me let down. *crying*

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Delilah 1:1

Delilah was supposed to be my VBAC baby (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean). I really wanted to experience a “normal” birth after what happened with Evan. I started thinking about natural childbirth even before I got pregnant the second time. It really started with watching The Business of Being Born (highly recommend for anyone pregnant). Then, I mentioned wanting to go natural the next time when James and I were taking a small vacation up in Vail last summer (was I pregnant then? I can’t remember…it seems so long ago!). As I said to him then, “It is like Emily says, ‘Go big, or go home.’” At first James was sort of weirded out by going natural with no pain meds, but I explained that I thought that this would be the best chance for having a VBAC. After that, he was incredibly supportive. Pregnancy was, again, mostly uneventful. I had some nasty morning sickness, and the usual discomfort, but nothing too out of the ordinary. I hired a team of doulas to help me out in the labor room. I read up on the Bradley techniques and Hypnobirthing. At my 36 week doctor appointment, my doctor and I talked about coming back in two weeks and that she would strip my membranes then (to hopefully get things started off on their own…the best chance for a VBAC). She said, “Assuming that this baby is head down, of course.” She turned on the ultrasound machine and put it at the bottom of my belly, and then moved it up to the top…where you could clearly see a head. She was very disappointed, I think, because she knew how much I wanted a VBAC.

We tried some of the tricks to try to get baby to flip, but it just wasn’t going to happen. I was hopeful at each appointment that they would have different news for me, but it just didn’t happen. At my 38 week appointment, the doctor and I scheduled a c-section for March 10, 2009. I was disappointed that I wouldn’t get a chance to experience a natural delivery, but being able to schedule the birth made me feel a little more in control of the situation.
Surgery protocol says that when you have a surgery, you can’t eat after midnight the night before. My surgery wasn’t until 5:30, so that would have been a very long time to be without food. Thankfully, the anesthesiologist said it would be ok for me to have breakfast before 8:00 am. So the morning of March 10th, I went to get Evan out of bed to go to day care, and the kid was burning up. So, that was a change of plans. He went to breakfast with us and then we had a nice relaxing day of taking care of a sick kid. Emily came over to watch Evan around 2 and we scooted out the door.

We checked into the hospital at 3:30. Strangely enough, the same girl who checked me in this time had checked me in 3 years before with Evan. I got into an observation room and hooked up to the monitors. The light contractions I had been feeling all day started to really pick up and HURT. They were coming every 2 to 3 minutes and I had to concentrate to get through them. We had some company in the observation room. It was a small room but two or three people were there at all times with me. James, my folks, Linda, and David came in and out as we waited. And waited. My surgery was supposed to be at 5:30, but we were told that we got bumped for an emergency c-section. So we were supposed to be next at 7. But we got bumped again. My spirits really started to fall. I was getting a headache and felt lightheaded from not eating. I was hooked up to an IV, so I had to pee all the time. So much fun trying to get to the bathroom without showing off the goods to random people. Finally at 8:30, my doctor came into the room to tell us that we were next. She was in a hurry. It was like we had to get me on the table before someone else got there before me. (Incidentally, the hospital was super busy. Full moon.) They wheeled me down the hall to the OR. I had to try to scoot over to the operating table without falling off—not an easy task for a pregnant woman. The OR was really freaking cold. I was shivering…probably with cold and nerves both. I wanted to remember everything because I didn’t get to really see anything the last time. One thing that struck me as funny was that there was one nurse whose job was to sort of guard the tools that were all sterilized and laid out there. James was allowed to come in while I got my spinal, but he couldn’t touch anything. I had to curl into a ball around my pregnant belly for them to get the right place for the spinal. The local anesthetic was quite painful—like a bunch of bee stings right on your back. But once that took effect, I couldn’t feel much. I did feel wet on my back. I still don’t know what that was. After the spinal went in, I felt very warm. I felt intoxicated. It was kind of nice…especially laying there with your lady bits exposed to everyone… They draped me up. James said they were pinching me and such and I couldn’t feel a thing (I could feel them pinching me with just the spinal with Evan which is why they had to use general. So glad I said something then!). And away we go! They started to cut and I asked James what he could see. If there was a lot of fat. LOL. I asked him if they were through the second layer yet. (Not yet!) The doctor explained that there was a lot of scar tissue from my last surgery, so they were cutting it all out. At one point, I started to panic a bit because I couldn’t breathe. The anesthesiologist explained that it was just because I was numb so high up, but that I could breathe and demonstrated by having me blow on my hand. The surgery seemed to take a million years. I was trying to listen to what the doctor was saying to the other (very young) doctor but either couldn’t hear or couldn’t make sense of it.

Finally, they pulled out the baby. She was pulled out feet first and had the cord wrapped around her neck. I asked several times if she was ok, and they assured me that she was. James asked why she wasn’t crying yet, and they said it was because they hadn’t done anything to piss her off yet. They held her up for me to see her right away. My first feeling was happiness that everything was ok; the second feeling was disappointment because I had thought I would feel something magical when you see your baby born…something I had missed out on the first time. Then they carried her away to a corner of the OR where I couldn’t even see. I tried to move the drape so that I could see, but I got the smackdown from the doctors. I guess they don’t want you to accidentally see your innards on the outside. It isn’t really fair. You sacrifice and carry the baby for 9 (10) months and then you don’t even get to see what is going on. It took awhile for them to get me cleaned up and sewed up. Eventually, they brought the baby to me and James to see. I got to smell her—ah, baby smell.

After, they rolled me (picture a conveyer belt, for real) onto a bed and moved me to recovery. They monitored me and cleaned baby up. James was already quite smitten and wouldn’t even leave to go tell our folks that we were out (they eventually found us by asking around! LOL). I finally got to hold her once they were sure I wasn’t going to drop her…and I got to breastfeed there in recovery. She nursed for a few minutes before dropping off to sleep.
We named Delilah Sue (Sue for both of her grandmothers—Suzan and Linda Sue) the next morning.

Our hospital stay was short and sort of crazy. Poor Evan got even sicker while we were gone. He gave his caretakers (Emily, Madeline, Linda, and David) a run for their money. The day we left the hospital, he was diagnosed with strep and the flu. We were told that the two kids should not be in the same house together. So James, Delilah, and I had to immediately pack up and go to a hotel. At the time, I was beside myself. I wanted to be able to care for my boy; I was afraid for Delilah; I was exhausted and just wanted to be home. But in all, it wasn’t so bad at the hotel. I got some time to adjust to being away from the hospital without having to care for a sick three year old.

It is so crazy that it has only been 3 months…and yet it seems like a lifetime. Sweet Delilah.

The Story of How My Boy Was Born

I am on airplanes a lot for work, and sometimes (when there are no good episodes of J&K+8, Baby Story, 30 Minute Meals on) I get incredibly bored and write letters or things like this. Catharsis.

I knew there was a problem when I would close my eyes and see blood dripping from my wrists. I didn’t want to do it, would never do it, but couldn’t stop visualizing the mutilation of my body. I didn’t want to kill myself, but I really didn’t want to live anymore. Not if life was going to be like this. The depression I faced following the birth of my son was bone deep. I could feel it dragging me beneath its murky waters—I was drowning.

My husband, James, and I planned our pregnancy the way I plan most things in life—meticulously. I found out I was pregnant after 4 months of “temping and charting” while on our last-hurrah trip to Mexico. We were scared, excited, and delighted. I tackled pregnancy with fervor—reading every pregnancy book I could get my hands on. I knew about every possible pregnancy-related symptom or ailment. Each week I would excitedly read the next chapter for the corresponding week I was pregnant and document my belly in pictures. My pregnancy itself was relatively uneventful featuring the usual weight gain and morning sickness. My due date came and went without the arrival of our son.

My doctor decided to induce when I was a week overdue. We arrived at the hospital the morning of March 25, 2006 and I was already contracting on my own. The first indication of things to come was when the nurse strapped the fetal heart monitor to my giant belly. There was this muffled sound unlike any of the fetal heart sounds I had heard before. The nurses tried to cover the alarm on her face as she repositioned the monitor. Thankfully, the monitor started to pick up a normal heart rate. She explained that it was possible the baby had rolled over onto the umbilical cord causing his heart rate to drop. She also cautioned me that he might not tolerate contractions well. The nurses hooked me up to an IV drip of Pitocin which brought contractions on hard and heavy. By the afternoon, I was tearfully moaning through each contraction and requested an epidural. The epidural brought sweet relief and I was able to watch Friends on DVD with my husband. Midway through the episode where Rachel gives birth to her daughter, a team of nurses and doctors came running into my room. As they flipped me on my side and administered oxygen, they explained that my son’s heart rate was dropping again and we needed to get him out soon. The doctor checked my cervix and deemed that I was 9 centimeters. After “stretching” me to 10 centimeters, I began to push. The epidural made it difficult to effectively push because I couldn’t feel much below my belly button. Progress was stalled because my son was facing the wrong direction, and there was a part of my cervix in the way. After two hours of exhausting work, the attending physician told me that we could try the vacuum but if it didn’t work, a c-section was the only way. The vacuum didn’t work. I immediately started to cry because I was terrified of having surgery (my first surgery) and extremely disappointed. As they wheeled me to the operating room, I avoided the eyes of my waiting family members. The obstetrician wanted to start surgery immediately because my son wasn’t doing well. The spinal the anesthesiologist gave me didn’t start to work right away, so the doctors decided to put me under with general anesthesia. My husband was escorted out of the room. The last I remember is the doctor telling me to breathe in deeply and finding it difficult because I was crying so hard.

Some time later I woke up confused and tired, and still tearful because my husband and I both missed the birth of our son. The nurses brought me my son the way you would bring a child a Christmas present. Everyone expected me to be so excited, but I could barely open my eyes. He was beautiful, but I felt zero connection to this little stranger everyone kept calling my son.
As the drugs cleared from my system and reality set in, I grew more and more despondent. My mother and mother-in-law both say that they saw the differences in my attitude immediately. But I think we all just chalked it up to a trying experience and recovering from surgery. I can barely remember the days in the hospital, I was in such a fog. If my son cried, I would panic that his crying would make people catch on that I didn’t have a clue what I was doing.
After a few days, I had to leave the hospital, the safety net that I felt was keeping me and our new family afloat. I was in considerable pain still from my surgery, so simple things like getting in and out of a car and up and down stairs was unbelievably hard. I did not want visitors. I did not want to make phone calls. My usually outgoing personality was suppressed, because I knew that either I would have to lie and say everything was ok, or tell people the truth, which would horrify them.

Every morning I woke up to this tiny creature stirring next to me, squawking to be fed, and my heart would fill with dread. I had to face another day. I would cry to my husband, “Do you think it will be like this forever?” I couldn’t bear to think that I had to make it through another day filled with pain, breastfeeding, poop, and ridiculous fatigue.

As things got worse, I started to apologize to my husband, for dragging him into this mess and begging him not to leave me. Don’t get me wrong, he couldn’t have been more supportive. I was just projecting my thoughts on to him—figuring that if I wanted out this bad, imagine what he must be feeling having to take care of me and an infant!

I was afraid to leave the house with my son. I was terrified that he would start to cry and that I wouldn’t be able to comfort him. The thoughts would send me into a panic. Additionally, I started to feel like the house was smothering me and had to open all the windows.

Around the fourth week postpartum, I started to realize that if I didn’t get help soon, I would not make it much longer. I remember one conversation with my mother-in-law where she said, “I know you are having a hard time, but are getting to enjoy it all?” I broke down crying, embarrassed by my answer, “No. I am not enjoying any part of this.”

Eventually, I spoke with a post partum support coordinator at my hospital who listened to my tearful confessions and pushed me to talk to my OB doctor. I called the office and told the frontline nurses what I was experiencing. The nurse said, “Oh, honey. That’s the baby blues. It is very normal. Call us if you are still feeling bad in two weeks.” I called my mother sobbing that I wouldn’t make it another two weeks. After my mother and the postpartum support coordinator both called the office, I got to make an appointment with my OB, as well as a psychiatrist. I immediately got on Prozac. Just doing something about the depression seemed to help.

The fog started to lift slowly. It seems like such a cliché thing to say, but it is exactly how it felt. I felt clearer, I started to smile and laugh again. I began to return phone calls. Most importantly, I started to enjoy my son, Evan. His smiles made me smile.

Now two years later, I still poke at the memories gingerly like you would a wound to see if it still hurts. I have a healthy and happy boy who keeps me happily busy. I want to encourage others to seek help if they are feeling more than the “baby blues.” You are the best judge of what is normal and abnormal for you. Sometimes you have to push your doctors and nurses to hear you. Be your own advocate.

Nothing much to report.

Hurry up and wait. That is the motto for my work. Slow day today. But as soon as we get some more information, it will be at a dead run again.

One of my childhood friends, Aimee, is getting married on August 2nd in Vegas. I am going to do my darnedest to get there. It will be sticky since I have another wedding I must attend on the 1st. So it will be a busy time. But so exciting!

Still managing to get out of the door on time. Getting up at 5 is rough though. This morning, I wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep. I will just have to look forward to this weekend. We have a soccer game, but it isn't until a little bit later. (Can't wait until that is done all together. Bad mommy.)

Baby D has a bit of a cold again. One week in daycare is all it takes. She is a little stuffy and her eyes are running a bit. Hopefully, she won't be getting an ear infection like her brother always does.

Evan is going to have new ear tubes put in July 1st. Poor kid. That will be a difficult situation because now he is old enough to know what is going on.

I have a new pumping buddy in the "Nursing Mother's Den." I was a little disappointed because it is so nice to not have to worry about sharing with anyone. She seems really nice. I covet her pump. It is a super nice, super expensive, Medela Hand free pump. Pumping still sucks ass. At some point, I guess it won't be worth it anymore. Yesterday, I got 9 oz. Today is shaping up to be 7 or 8 oz. When she starts eating more (hopefully), it just won't be enough. Selfishly, I want to keep going until I start to lose weight again. Ha!

Anyhow, for those who have tried to leave comments in the past, try again, because Blogger supposedly has fixed its issues. And I am planning on doing a post soon that has both of my birth stories in it. I have had a couple of people ask and I have rough drafts out there, but need to polish them up.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hurry, post quick!

Ah, a rare moment at home. Evan went with his BFF, Chase, to see Dora at the theater. Delilah has been asleep since about 11:30. Ahhhhhhh. I even got to go to Kohl's. I bought a pair of pants and two purses. Not one, but two. All clearanced.

I had the worst parent moment ever last night. I had to take the boy to the doctor. He has maybe pneumonia/bronchitis/sinus infection and an ear infection. He started acting up in line for his meds. People were letting us cut in line to get us out of there faster. I had to go to Target to get kitty litter and something for dinner. So I told him that if he behaved he could have a car. He was asking for things and if I said no, he would hit at me or spit at me. So, I quickly grabbed what I needed and headed for the check out. He started screaming about wanting a toy. While paying, he threw his shoes at the woman next to us in line. So I took his shoes away. I was so embarrassed, I practically ran out the door. As I was trying to put him into his car seat, he was in a rage. He reached out and grabbed a chunk of my hair and ripped it out. I couldn't even get him in his car seat. I had to just go sit in the drivers seat until he calmed down enough for me to buckle him in. I have never seen him rage like that. I was crying and crying. I didn't and don't even know how to handle a situation like that. Your first instinct is to strike back, so maybe it is good that I was out in public. He has said a couple of times today, "Mama, I won't hit you again." I said, "No, you won't." He said, "But I did yesterday." I am sure he feels badly. I guess being three is tough.

Recently, in a fit, he threw his Thomas potty, so we took it away. He started asking for his "potty train" back. LOL. Because he has heard us talk about pottying training. What a goof.

I got to sleep in this morning. It was glorious. And then I had a bagel delivered to me by my husband. What a good day so far! I think my sister is coming over this evening. James is going to grill. Yum!

Friday, June 5, 2009


Yay! I made it through my first week back. Whew! Tired. Hoping to sleep in a bit tomorrow. Hopefully the kids will comply.

We got to see Dad last night. That was fun. Evan was excited to see he was still here this morning.

Work is picking up significantly. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/04/AR2009060404176.html?hpid=moreheadlines is an article about the work I am doing. So since this was finally sent over (after months of feet dragging) the poop really hits the fan. I have a draft to rewrite with that in mind.

I am going for Indian food for lunch. Looking forward to that! I am scooting out of here early so that we can take Evan to the doctor. His butt and his cough need to be inspected. Hopefully unrelated.

Pumping is still pretty much sucking. It seems like a lot of time and effort to get 6 ounces or so a day. Plus I really hate "letting down" in between sessions. If I even think about Delilah, my boobs start to ache and I know they are leaking into the breast pads. Breast pads are soooo sexy too. I love the circles that you can see through my shirts! Better than wet spots though, I suppose.

Evan is going to tomorrow to see the Dora show with his BFF Chase. I think they will have so much fun. No soccer because of that (and I am actually relieved to not have to push him to go).

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Nothing incredibly exciting today. Just getting through the week. Day three and I slept through an alarm. Gah! I was having an interesting dream about riding a bike in the snow down the Huron River Drive in Michigan with James' gun while looking for daycares for Delilah. (I think that sentence may break records for most prepositional phrases. Diagram that, Linda!)

I had boring meetings all morning. Bought tickets to see Blink 182 in September! Woot! James and I will be the oldest people there! Sweet!

I am hoping my girl gets more sleep at daycare today. She looks soooo tired in the evenings.

We had our international potluck today. Lots of yummy stuff. Gas inducing. But what isn't? LOL.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Drip, Drip, Drop

It is raining! Hard. I would think we live in Michigan or Seattle or something. We have a small lake in front of our building this morning. The city wisely forgot to remove some construction things that have clogged up a drain. Seriously, if I crossed the street to my building the way I normally go, I would be knee deep in water. Evan could not be convinced to wear regular shoes today. He is in his sandals. Because "it is summer and we don't wear socks in the summer."

Delilah did ok on her first day at daycare. She was exhausted...poor baby. The first thing I wanted to do was nurse her when we got home. I just needed that closeness. Strange feeling to have, considering how much I have disliked breastfeeding. I didn't know how much I have gotten attached to her until I picked her up from daycare yesterday. I just wanted to hold her forever.

Last night, Evan had cereal for dinner (Sue me. I was tired and he was actually eating). He kept saying, "This cereal is part of a complete breakfast." Gotta love commercials. Gah.

I have a meeting to catch me up on my job today. Tomorrow, we are supposed to have a diversity potluck. The idea of making something to bring is laughable. Too tired. Hopefully, I can just bring some money instead.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm Back

Whew! Three months goes by so quickly. Today has been sort of a whirlwind. Lots of folks stopping by. Hundreds of emails to sort through. But now it is kind of quiet. My assignment is at very near the exact same point as when I left. The draft has evolved but is very close to the same. I got a really nice email from my staff person (who got promoted while I was gone) thanking me for teaching her so much. Very nice.

I had to leave my little peanut behind today. I am wondering how she is doing but don't want to call to torture myself. I am sure she is very tired because she got up so early this morning (I got up at 3:30...she ate and then slept til 5:30). I have been pumping today...but not really getting much. A total of 6 oz. Pumping just plain sucks. But at least I get some time to go read a magazine. I need to drink more water I suppose. If only water was caffeinated. I am thinking of my little one a lot. This is her picture for her passport when we go on a cruise in October.

I got to go to lunch with some friends. I want to hit all of my favorite places once before I have to start dieting...so I can fit into my pants. There was a pregnancy explosion after I left. 4 girls are pregnant here...one with twins.

I have a lot that I want to write....I haven't had time for so long. So be checking back here for more :)