This is my first post of my new blog. I have had a blog on myspace, but don't really keep it current. And sometimes I am too busy or too tired of writing (for work or school) that I don't even bother. I wanted to have a place for my "mom-type" thoughts that only those who really care would want to read. And then I will have a record of all the cute things my boy is saying or doing.
The title of my blog shouldn't be a mystery to my family. I figured this is one place where it is really is all about me. LOL.
This blog (and others following it if I am going to be honest) will be barebones. I don't have the time or the photography skillz to upload a picture for every thought. You might get lucky every once in a while.
So yesterday sucked pretty bad. I got a flat on my way home. Tore my brand new tire. Had to buy another for $200. Grr. But the upside of that was that we spent about two hours at the mall waiting for the car to be done. And Evan got to see Santa. When we were standing in line, Evan was waving to Santa, but when I mentioned to him that he would have to go sit on Santa's lap and tell him what he wanted for Christmas, he got very shy and hid behind my legs. So we were expecting a repeat of last year:

Then we headed up to the food court for some dinner. Evan is hard to please in places like these because they don't typically have Mac and Cheese or Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches. So James and I ordered at Chick Fil'A and figured he would eat some french fries. The kid must have been hungry because he ended his months long No Meat phase and grabbed a chicken tender right off of James's tray. He ate two pieces of chicken and then french fries. And then he wanted a "chocolate pretzel." No such thing, so I got him some equally delicious Cinnabuns. Our evening ended on a bad note though when the Moo got angry in the car about the fact that no one would put his shoes back on him. This continued through the car ride, the walk inside, time out for hitting, walking upstairs, getting ready for bed, and eventually some "calming down" alone in his room. He kept screaming, "I calm, I calm, I calm!" James and I had a hard time keeping a straight face when he was just screaming as loud as he could. As you know, there is nothing worse than people laughing at you when you are PISSED. But I got the giggles anyhow. We kept saying, "who is this kid?" Apparently, this is three year olds???? Xenu save us.
Anyhow, a doozy for my first blog here. Hope you enjoy! Come March, I bet I have tons of time to blog! LMAO.
I'm gonna love this. Whaddya mean with that "if you know my family" line????
David said, "Why didn't they just put his shoes on and avoid all the frustration?" Of course, you know that's what we would have done -- or else we would have pulled the car over and administered some punishment if he wouldn't have stopped screaming. We admire you guys for your ability to drive/ride in a car with a screaming child, and we admire your ability to stick to what you say. Because of that, you have a mighty nice little boy -- mighty nice! Plus, if you had put his shoes on him, you wouldn't have had such a cute blog entry! We both laughed at "I calm, I calm, I calm". We can hear him saying that, just as if we'd been there. Looking forward to future entries, especially the picture with Santa!
We didn't put his shoes on him because the little turd took them off and threw them! :)
Now it becomes clearer! In that case, if you had pulled over (maybe in front of a church), he might have jumped out of the car and run from you in his stocking feet, and you might have seen a police cruiser pulling up to see what was going on...but, I guess that couldn't happen since he's strapped into a car seat. Maybe that comes later, possibly when he's in second grade -- the running from you and the police car thing, I mean.
Hola!! Ooooh I like it.... can't wait to read more!!
PS Everyone thinks your sisters are cool :P
love it :)
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