I am 26 weeks pregnant now. Still feeling pretty good. Night before last I had a dream that my baby girl was born (without much effort, I might add) with really long red hair. She looked a little like the Cornsilk Cabbage Patch Doll that Emily got all those Christmases ago from Grandma. Last night, I dreamed that the baby was born, but SURPRISE! it was a boy. Man, that threw me for a loop. I started thinking about how weird that would be. I would love a little boy...but after planning for a girl, that would be tough.
Today, we had our faciliated discussions on race. There was a study done at my work that showed that African Americans are rated lower than their white counterparts. At my organization. So, this is their answer to the problem. We are going to get together to talk about race. I really expected it to go a little like this:
It wasn't quite that bad. Some good discussions. And after watching that video...I really noticed that Steve Carell has gotten some major hair plugs since the first season. I guess they are paying him pretty well.
I don't have any funny Evan stories for you. Last night was relatively drama free...which is good for us, but makes for a lot less funny stories. He took black Kitty Cat with him to daycare today. He leaves it in his "covey" (cubby) all day though. I look forward to picking him up this afternoon. He says every afternoon, "Mama, you come back?" Yep, sure did!
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
1 comment:
How strange - the long red hair thing. I dreamed when I was carrying you that you were born with orange pubic hair. It seemed perfectly logical (in the dream)at the time.
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