Yesterday started with Evan saying to me at the breakfast table, "Mama, you nice Mama." Isn't that the sweetest? I worked from home in the morning so that James could go to court and then I giddily drove to work at 11. I was just so happy to get out of the house untethered for a while.
Last night, we went to dinner with Jen, Jose, and Jasmine. It was a nice time. James was playing with Jasmine and Evan got super jealous. He said, "That my daddy." and then went over to wrap his arms around James. I think it made James feel really good. I love it when Evan tries to enter the adult conversation. Jose said something about not needing 2 1/2 of something. And Evan jumped in, "I two half." LOL. He also jumped into our conversations about movies, "I saw Marley! I saw Marley!" It was a nice time.
Evan woke up this morning crying about his "bug." He picked up this plastic bug (looked like it would glow in the dark and go on a ceiling) on our walk two days ago. He must have set it down to crawl like a dog. He kept saying, "I lost my bug." Poor kid. Maybe he can find it today. If it didn't blow away.
The wind woke me this morning. It was really blowing. They said on the way in that some of the gusts were measuring 80 mph! There was trash and trash cans all over the neighborhood this morning.
It will probably be a long day today. Not much going on. Still in a holding pattern at work...will probably last at least through Inaugeration.
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago