Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Today is Day 1 of our new schedule. James took the kids to daycare this morning. It is a little bizarre for me because that has been my job except for the odd exception (when I was on maternity leave with Delilah for example) since Evan was born. I think I will still take them on Mondays when James is off. James will be at work until 6:00 and then head home (except on Tuesdays and Thursdays when he will go to his boxing class at 8:00). So tonight, I am on duty alone with the kids for all of Delilah feeding, Delilah bedtime, Evan dinner, Evan bath, Evan bedtime. I feel badly that James will miss the kids totally at night now. I guess we will all have to get used to the new schedule. I will probably need a glass of wine for dinner. I think I will just have leftovers myself...and give the boy a PB&J.

Delilah was up at 10, 2, and finally for good at 4. Ugh. We have to figure out a better solution. It is killing me.

I am sort of looking forward to my girls' weekend this weekend. But also will miss my family.

Long boring day, only broke up by lunch with coworkers at The Hornet. Got the Gangster Wrap. Yum.

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Look

I decided to play with my layout a bit. I think it looks fun! With the promise of springtime on this cold cold day.

I have lunch plans today with a coworker and am looking forward to that. No idea on where we are going.

I am totally lame today and don't have much to report. I made the Pioneer Woman's Husband's favorite sandwich last night and it was really good, but my tummy is paying for it today. Too. Much. Butter.

James is home with the kids today. Possibly for the last time. Which reminds me to call the school. It looks like they will be in school 5 days a week now. James has a new schedule starting next week. It will changes our lives up a bit.

The only cute story I have is last night Evan asked to go to the "peanut store" which means the Texas Roadhouse. I told him that we couldn't go tonight, but maybe tomorrow. To which he said, "Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe (he starts every sentence with a stutter), maybe, the day after today will be tomorrow." LOL. Maybe.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

6 minutes

I have about six minutes until I am out the door at work. Things have been sloooooow. It makes for long boring days. Today, I did get a Greek lunch with friends. YUM! I am on my last week or so of indulgence before starting up on the diet/exercise program. I have about 15 pounds to lose. I would settle for 10 though :)

Evan had a rough day on Tuesday. He lashed out at another kid, and then was hitting and kicking at his teacher when she pulled him away from the group. :( So we talked a lot about not hitting and explained that from now on when he hits, he loses a toy for a whole day. As an incentive, I told him that if he got a green day on Wednesday that I would buy him icecream. So yesterday, he greeted me at the door of his school with the news that he had a green day. and he asked if that meant that he got ice cream. I said yes, and we set off (in the snow). Once in the car, Evan says to me, "I had a green day, but I hurt two people." I said, "You did? What happened?" He said, "I hit Lyric and Abby, but I still had a green day." Now I was in a bind...because I did tell him that he could have ice cream if he had a green day. It didn't occur to me that he would hit two kids and just not get caught for it. So I just told him again that we don't hit people and that next time that happens he is going to lose a toy for a day. I think he knew he had me. Devious.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I have been incredibly negligent in blog writing. Life has been tough and very busy lately. But I am hoping to be able to write more now. I just have to come up with the time at work. Work is at a slow point again...but could speed up at any time. I went back to DC once in November, but have avoided going again since. Evan is closer to 4 than he is to 3 right now. He is such a big boy and capable of doing many things...like dressing himself in the morning. I have to tell him, "Leave your sister alone" about 300 times a day. He loves her, but can be rough...and sometimes mean. My girl, Delilah, is almost 10 months old. Her smile can break your heart. Good thing she is cute because she screams like a banshee at all hours of the night. Evan calls her "Cute Little Lila" but "Lila" sounds more like "Wyla." He has also been calling her, "Delilah Sue," "Princess Girl," and "Miss"...all of which he got from me. The other day in the car he whispered something to her and then yelled, "I'm just kidding, Delilah!" That same day he was saying, "We're going on a baby hunt; we're gonna catch a big one."

He is a goof. Keeps us laughing (and crying!). I asked him to put on his shoes the other day and he said to me, "Mom, are you talking back to me?" And if you ask him how much he loves you, he says, "Five." Perfect answer.

In two weeks, I am headed to Phoenix with my girlfriends for our 4th annual MLK Jr. girls' weekend. We have a great time...and it is a new venue this year. Can't wait!