I have nothing but warm fuzzies for them today....that will likely change around 4:30 when we walk in the door and immediately I am expected to comply with requests for tv, game, snack, juice simultaneously. But right now, I am thinking of how sweet and cute they are.
Last night, we did my latest meal from the Six O'Clock Scramble...it was Mini Pizzas on Tortillas. I had done versions of them years ago. I had the kids make their own pizzas. Evan was especially into it. Normally, he doesn't like pepperoni because it is "spicy." But I bought some turkey pepperoni that he really liked. He made quite the pizza for himself. He kept saying, "This is going to be soooo yummy for me to eat." Then, Delilah actually made a pizza for her daddy (because I had already made hers thinking she wouldn't want pepperoni...I was wrong). I think this is the first time she has ever helped me cook. She got a real kick out of it. And while we were eating, she kept saying, "I cooked a pizza." Both kids ate a ton.
I had to have Evan sign some paperwork for his school (agreeing to use the computers in the correct way....as James said, "Yeah, I am sure that will hold up in court."). So then Delilah wanted to write her name. So I got her a paper and she made all these precise little squiggles and would say random letters that she thought she was making. She looked at her pen and realized that there was this little button on top. She pushed it and the pen part disappeared. And then she laughed. It was so neat getting to be a part of her discovering something that we take for granted.
I had to go to Evan's Kindergarten today to get some papers signed and pay his fees (Sidebar: Yes, FEES. In kindergarten. I am not sure when this started happening. I checked with my mom and she doesn't remember having to pay fees. It was public school...shit is free. Even the bus costs extra money. Craziness. I guess school funding doesn't go as far as it used to. And I did a non-scientific poll of my internet friends who live across the US and the majority of them were astounded as well. In AZ, you dont' even have to pay for school supplies. End Sidebar.) My little guy is growing up. I just can't believe it. I was so nervous walking in there to get everything taken care of. Like it was my first day of school. Life will be a-changing in about 2 weeks.
A couple of nights ago, James and I were watching tv and Evan hollered from his bedroom, "Mom, I am really getting bored of all my books." LOL. We bought a couple new ones for him, but it hasn't been enough. He has been coming down nightly to ask James for comic books. I feel iffy about it because I don't like the graphic images of sex or violence. James swears these are ok for Evan to look at. Last night, I tried to put Evan off by saying, "I think your dad is running low on comics for you." Evan said, "No, he has millions of them."
The other things going on my life: My aunt is very ill. This is my dad's oldest sister. She was always the best aunt to have growing up. She was one of those grown ups who always was (or pretended to be) super interested in what you had to say. That was so important to a kid like me. I wanted grown ups to take me seriously. Sadly, it seems as though she will not make it much longer. I hope that she can be without pain or fear. I am really sad that my kids will never know her.
We had the head of our agency to our office on Monday. Nothing really new was said. But it was clear that he really is trying to do what is best for the government and our agency...and trying to lessen the pain on the individuals. I guess we will find out more by October.
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
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