I can't even use the excuse that I am super busy anymore. Right now things at work are slow and I can't even get to my blog. We busted our butts for a few months, but things are slow for the next couple of weeks.
And then we are supposed to hear about the future of our workplace mid-September. A little unsettling. It is a bad time to work for The Man. Everyone here is concerned. A lot of gallows humor floating on the breeze. A lot of "If we are still here..." comments going around. Makes it really difficult to stay motivated. At the very least we will have 60 days notice before being turned out on our ears.
At any rate, life goes on. We are slowly starting a new project. I have another new hire to develop. I made a big mistake and totally stood him up for a meeting today. A meeting that I set up. Talk about making a good first impression. I apologized profusely and followed up with an email. My friends here think it is hilarious. And I have to admit once I got over being mortified, I laughed too.
The kids are doing great. Summer is such a nice time of year for kids. It is so nice for them to play outside. Evan and our neighbors' son love to play around together. Delilah follows behind doing exactly as they do. My boy is going to start Kindergarten in about 4 1/2 weeks. I am so not ready for that!
James and I also enjoy the summer. The summer means that no good tv is on, so we catch up on shows we don't watch during the year. For instance, we started watching Friday Night Lights. I believe there are 5 seasons and we have watched about half of the first season. That is really good. We finished up Six Feet Under. Brilliant. And less brilliant...we have been watching the Jersey Shore. It is fun though.
I will try to write more another day. Before more life gets in the way :)
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
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