I start this post thinking about my friend who has been in labor since Sunday. I believe she likely had a c-section this afternoon. She wanted to go all natural, but her water broke Sunday (maybe 7 days post due date then??) and has had no progress even with stimulating contractions. My heart goes out to her because I know she will be sad about not getting the birth that she really wanted. I am still not sure of how it all turned out. But my thoughts are with A today.
I had a nice long weekend. But it was so full of activity that I am actually more tired today!
Friday, I was going to work from home. But I forgot my "token" that makes my computer start. Boo. So I had an unexpected day off. I spent it cleaning. *sigh* some days I feel like I will never catch up. James and I also went to lunch with Delilah. Lunch with one child is exponentially easier than lunch with two children. I also took some toys to the consignment store....and they sent me home with half of them. I have mad hate for the consignment store. They turn away good stuff and then I see the crap they are selling and it makes my blood boil. I got a sick sort of pleasure telling them that their Nap Nanny they were selling was recalled. They were Not. Happy. haha.
Saturday, Gosh we were so busy, I am not sure what we did. Grocery shopping, Walmart, collapsing in a heap because there was so much to do.
Sunday, we left for Pueblo. I haven't been in P-town for a while. We stopped at the Cracker Barrel for some lunch with the kids ahead of time. Then we got them dressed for the wedding. They were so stinking cute in their dressy clothes. too bad we were so busy chasing them at the wedding we didn't get pictures. Delilah was so proud of her pretty new dress.
It was my uncle Tommy's wedding. His first and he is in his 50s. His new wife, Deborah, is so sweet. We chatted with them and family for a bit before heading up the mountain. The kids were tired and cranky...and frankly we were tired of reining them in. So we spent some time at my parents' house. Emily was there too. So it was a nice time spent with the fam.
Monday morning, we ate an awesome breakfast and headed out for home. The kids did pretty good on our little trip. We got home after noon and prepared for a birthday party for little Jocelyn. That was a nice time seeing the Js.
So anyhow, now it is Tuesday of a short week. I met my old friend Mike and his girlfriend, Melissa for lunch today. They are in town from Iowa. Mike and I "dated" when I was 14 (he was 16). It was a summer romance and I made him promise to write. We have exchanged letters for 16 years now. :) The last time I saw him, he and Melissa came to our wedding. This is the first time I really got to spend time with Melissa, and she is great. She and Mike have been together 15 years.
Whew. See, I told you. A lot of work. :)
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
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