Talking about my eye. When I am unrested, my eyelids start twitching. I remember when I was opening Burger King, it would happen frequently. I would say to Aimee, "It's doing it again, can you see it?!" She never could.
Anyhow, my eye is twitching. I have been up at varying hours of 2, 3, or 4 am for the past week or so. Delilah is trying to kill me.
Things have been pretty busy here. Thankfully, they should start slowing down now. On Friday, James was in a wedding for one of his work friends. So I met him at the DU chapel for the wedding and reception. Although, I pretty much attended by myself because he was performing his wedding duties and then sitting at the head table. I got to sit next to some interesting oversharers. Always entertaining. The wedding was beautiful and very well planned.
Saturday morning we took Evan to his swim lesson. He is doing really good. I think he has a lot of fun. They are still covering the basics like putting their faces in water. And "ice cream scoop hands"--which is basically your standard hand motion of arm extending out in front of you and then behind your back and up past your ear, etc. Evan thinks that it is more like arms out to your sides and flap like a bird. And he really thinks he is doing it correctly. It makes me laugh every time.
Saturday afternoon, I took Evan with me to run some errands. I think he enjoyed the time with me alone. We went to the Mall and to the Disney store. He bought some jammies and a shirt he can color on. We also went to Panera for some lunch.
I finally got my birthday bike and went for a quick ride that night. Evan "fixed" my bike with his toy hammer.
Sunday, James and I got up early to take Evan to pick up his BFF Chase to go to the Day out with Thomas the Train. Chase and Evan were very LOUD together. Evan would yell, "Babyhead!" and then Chase would yell, "Babyhead!" They would just feed off of each other. They seemed to enjoy the time together and doing the activities. Like the train ride and playing with the train tables. We really didn't stay there all that long. We left there at about 11:30 to drop Chase back off at home.
The rest of the day I spent playing catch up with all the household crap that has to be done...groceries, etc.
Here's hoping that tonight's sleep goes better. I am losing brain cells.
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
Never made it to the Disney Store for the sale :(.
Sounds like a fun weekend!
Mom totally stole my comment :) Babyhead!!!
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