I am relaxing and watching Douchebag & Kate plus 8. Guilty pleasure.
Today, Evan started the Preschool 2 class. He is officially potty trained. He still has the occasional accident. He even self-punishes when he slips up by going to get a pair of the super absorbent training pants rather than his favorite Lightning McQueen underwear. Poor kid. He told me this morning that in his new classroom there is a "peter." I said, "A peter?" He said, "No, a PETER!" I said, "A boy named Peter?" "No, a PETER!" I thought about it for a minute and then said, "Oh a computer?" He said, "Yeah, a com-peter. Silly mama." LOL.
This weekend he had another issue with the headache and vomiting. I noted one such issue here back in June, but it has happened once since then too. He woke up from his nap looking really peaked and complaining of pain behind his eyes. He came downstairs and threw up what little he ate for lunch. Since it has happened a few times, I wrote an email to his doctor to see if she thought it was worth seeing him for. A nurse called me today to say that the doctor thinks that it sounds like a migraine, but since he is so young she would like him to be checked out. So, first we have to have an MRI and then a neuro consult at Children's Hospital. The MRI is scheduled at Children's the end of September. Will be loads of fun since he will have to be sedated. :( Hopefully a lot of fuss for nothing. I haven't scheduled the consult yet, but I am sure it will be awhile before we get in.
Miss D is 5 months today. So happy and smiley most of the time. :)
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago
Yay Evan for the potty training! I sure hope the MRI results are nothing to worry about. I love you guys!
Do you really think John's a douchebag? I always thought Kate was kind of a biitch
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