Monday, August 31, 2009
I took Delilah to the ENT today. Poor baby has thick fluid behind her eardrum. She is getting little movement of the that means she is probably hearing like she is underwater. Poor kiddo. The doctor did recommend that she get tubes sooner than later. If this were the winter with all her ear infections, the doc would recommend to wait out the summer. But since she got this many in the winter....waiting would only prolong the inevitable. Plus, she just isn't gaining the way she should. Poor Peanut!
I still haven't been able to go back to running. My knees are still bothering me. I think I further pissed them off today when the cleaning ladies showed up while I was peeing upstairs and I tried to run down to the door. Not good.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
yay me!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Last night, Emily came over to help me out for the evening. We were giving Evan a bath and chatting him up in the process. We were talking to him about what he wanted to be when he grew up. Emily asked him, "Do you want to be a doctor when you grow up?" He said, "I'm in the bathtub right now, can we talk about this later?" LOL. I don't know where he comes up with this stuff.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Not a journal
Saturday, Delilah and I made the long trek to Greeley for a baby shower for a college friend, Larissa. It was really nice to see her and I can't wait to meet her little one. Delilah slept the whole way there and the whole way back. And she was super good at the shower.
When I came back, my little sister Madeline, and her boyfriend Brett came over. And then Emily came over too. It was a little while before James and Evan came back from their big day at the children's museum. James grilled up some burgers and we had a nice time with our family.
Sunday, James and I took the kids to the park and the bookstore. Evan had fun tearing around the playground. Delilah had fun being strapped to me in the Moby wrap.
And now it's Wednesday. I ran this weekend, and again on Monday. I am probably going to wait until tomorrow to run again. My knees have been bothering me.
I am working from home today because I think Delilah's ears are bothering her again. So we have a doctor's appointment pretty soon. I will pick her up at daycare and then take her to the doctor. and then hopefully back to daycare again.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Week Has Gone By

Monday, August 17, 2009
Friday, we did the doctor again for Delilah's ears. Poor kiddo. Then Saturday morning, I did my first run. I am going to try to do the Couch to 5K program. The work week is the difficult part. Since most mornings I am on my own, I can't run then. And the evenings are a complete cluster. So we will see how it will get done during the week. Also, on Saturday, Delilah and I went to brunch with some girls from my boards. Erin brought her daughter Lauren. Lauren is clearly in the dressing herself phase. Great outfit. U of M cheerleader outfit, with two different colored knee socks, pink sequined shoes, and a feather in her hair. LOL. Delilah did really good at lunch.
Sunday, we got up early (no choice in that matter thanks to D!) and went to the zoo. It was a lot easier to get to at our old it takes 45 minutes to get there. So, it was our first trip to the zoo as a family of 4. Since we have a membership, there is no pressure, we just meander around and see what we want to see. The only thing Evan really cares about is riding the train. And even that is losing its appeal. Delilah really enjoyed being "held" in the Moby Wrap. She only fussed a bit when she got hungry. We ate some lunch and left by 11:15 when the crowds were arriving. Delilah was asleep before we left the parking lot.
Evan told me this morning that he dreamt that James was getting him some Spongebob fruit snacks. What a dream! LOL. Hopefully, he has a better week at school this week. No peeing in the kiddy pool.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Weight Loss?
Friday, August 14, 2009
Best Laid Plans
Evan saw some kids playing basketball on the way home and said, "Look at those basketball poops." LOL. What an interesting world he lives in. He gets to have a splash day today at daycare. I don't know how much fun that will be without grass to play in, but whatever.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Last night, James suggested pizza so I wouldn't have to cook. I counter-suggested Subway because of my diet. Evan piped up, "I want Subway! I want to eat fresh!" Ok, clearly we are in need of an intervention from Nickelodeon. I wonder what he thinks "fresh" is because he kept wanting to eat it all evening long.
This morning, Evan told me about a dream he had about Sponge Bob in the water. It was scary. And he told me, "You need to get your boy a snack." LMAO. A laugh a minute, that one.
Emily is coming over for dinner tonight, I think. I don't know what we will make, but I bet it will be yummy!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
This morning, I asked Evan to go check to see if Daisy had water. She needed more, so while I was filling it up, Evan was telling me, "Dogs drink water. They don't drink milk, or juice, or pepper." I said to him, "What's "pepper?" He said, confirming what I thought he was saying, "What my cousins drink." Dr. Pepper...the choice of Ella and Molly.
The heat is on in my building. Seriously. It is in the 80s, and I can feel hot air coming out of my vent. I don't know what they are going to have to do to get the stupid HVAC stuff fixed in this building.
I went out to lunch at Hapa for a coworker's birthday today. I got the chicken yummy. But all the veggies are punishing me now..........
Monday, August 10, 2009
7 o'clock and all's well....
Today, Evan started the Preschool 2 class. He is officially potty trained. He still has the occasional accident. He even self-punishes when he slips up by going to get a pair of the super absorbent training pants rather than his favorite Lightning McQueen underwear. Poor kid. He told me this morning that in his new classroom there is a "peter." I said, "A peter?" He said, "No, a PETER!" I said, "A boy named Peter?" "No, a PETER!" I thought about it for a minute and then said, "Oh a computer?" He said, "Yeah, a com-peter. Silly mama." LOL.
This weekend he had another issue with the headache and vomiting. I noted one such issue here back in June, but it has happened once since then too. He woke up from his nap looking really peaked and complaining of pain behind his eyes. He came downstairs and threw up what little he ate for lunch. Since it has happened a few times, I wrote an email to his doctor to see if she thought it was worth seeing him for. A nurse called me today to say that the doctor thinks that it sounds like a migraine, but since he is so young she would like him to be checked out. So, first we have to have an MRI and then a neuro consult at Children's Hospital. The MRI is scheduled at Children's the end of September. Will be loads of fun since he will have to be sedated. :( Hopefully a lot of fuss for nothing. I haven't scheduled the consult yet, but I am sure it will be awhile before we get in.
Miss D is 5 months today. So happy and smiley most of the time. :)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
However (comma) I have about 15 extra baby pounds around my middle that need to go away. See that ticker over to the left...yeah, I have about 2 months get get my butt in shape. See the other ticker? It isn't accurate anymore. I gained after my last weekend of debauchery. So, I am going to start again on Sunday. The toughest part for me is breakfast right now. I don't have time to eat at the house. So I almost always am stopping somewhere on the way to work. Once I get to work, I don't feel like I have a lot of time to eat there either. My old standby for breakfast is cereal...and I don't really have time even for that.
My coworker and I said that we would start working out together in the "gym" downstairs. That's Step 1 to working out. (Step 2 is bringing clothes and shoes; Step 3 is making a cardio mix on my iPod....last time I only made it to Step 3).
Evan is with David and Linda, David, and David's girls today (whom Evan calls lovingly, his cousins...or sometimes his "brothers."). They are going to have a full day. I was supposed to be in the office today but made it nearly to work before realizing that Daisy hadn't been let out. So by the time I came back, I didn't have it in me to drive all the way downtown.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tale of Two Weddings
I just looked and it has been nearly a week since my last post. I haven't had time to sit down...and I have been way too tired to function. So Thursday night was the Rod Stewart concert with my mom and sisters. Late night, drank some.
Friday, I had to get up early and go to work, like any other day. Saturday, I had to rush around like crazy to get all my normal weekend stuff completed. My friends, Nancy and Brian, and their daughter Jenna came over to meet Delilah. And then it was off to Wedding #1. Claire is my work BFF. She looked amazing! The Catholic ceremony was sweet and funny. The reception was super duper nice--open bar. So that was another late night in which I drank too much. Claire is to the left with her maid of honor, her sister. I had a lot of fun with all my work friends at the wedding. I just wish I could have stayed longer. But we had to scoot home around 11 because I had to get on a plane the next morning for Las Vegas and Wedding #2. Wedding #2 was the wedding of my BFF from high school. She was my maid of honor in my wedding. Aimee and Richard wanted to get married before he had to leave for Iraq in a month or so. So, I got up early and had to rush around to pack. I got to the airport around 10 am. My high school friend, Tiffany, made it on my flight and we got to chat the whole flight there (I am sure the people around us loved it). We got into Vegas around 1 and went directly to In-N-Out Burger. For those of you who have experienced In-N-Out, you must. Heaven in a bun. They are only on the West Coast...mostly in CA, but there are a few in Vegas. We also picked up a Double Double for Aimee and made our way to the Stratosphere. Let me pause here to say that it was 109* there. Aimee might as well have gotten married on the face of the sun. Aimee found us in the lobby and we went up to our room to relax and chat. We haven't seen Aimee since our reunion two years ago. She had to leave to go get her hair done at 4 and we were supposed to meet Kristi and Brian. Kristi was another high school friend. She and Brian got married right after high school and are still together :). We met them for a drink in the hotel bar and chatted for awhile until it was time to go get ready for the wedding.
Tiffany started to snicker as she hung up her dress next to mine in the closet. We were wearing very nearly the exact same dress for the wedding. It was pretty funny. People thought we were bridesmaids. The ceremony was held in the tower of the Stratosphere right under the revolving you could hear the motor throughout the ceremony. It was short and sweet. It was also really nice to see Aimee's family again. It had been years since I had last seen them as they have been, first, in Italy, then Alabama, and finally Washington. My one complaint is that I wished that we would have been able to spend more time with Aimee and getting to know Richard. After the ceremony and small reception, Tiffany and I went to go gamble for a little while. I lost my $20 in record time and we were off to bed. We had to get up at 6 to make it to the airport. I got to knit all the way home, so I was happy. Today, things are finally starting to slow down. Although, I have plenty to do. The photos above do not belong to me. I am horrible about taking pictures, which is why facebook is such a great invention.