I am fully aware that I owe a blog or two. We have been drafting at work and are very busy...and I can't seem to bring myself to write much else on those days. Tonight Evan was giving me the "I'm Bored" speech. He kept asking to play different video games. I told him, "You don't always have to play a video game. Find something else to do." He said, "Like what?" I said, "Play with your Batman ["No"], Play with your trains ["I don't wanna."], You can help me fold laundry ["
nooooo...."], I have toilets you can scrub." He then said, "
Ok." I said, "
Ok, what?" He said, "
Ok, I want to scrub toilets."
LOL. So I set him up with a rag and scrub brush, and sprayed down the toilet myself. I, then, gave him some instructions on what to do. He very seriously told me, "I know. I did this when I was 4." After the toilet, he
vacuumed the living room.