Monday, April 18, 2011

Keeping Busy

I am fully aware that I owe a blog or two. We have been drafting at work and are very busy...and I can't seem to bring myself to write much else on those days. Tonight Evan was giving me the "I'm Bored" speech. He kept asking to play different video games. I told him, "You don't always have to play a video game. Find something else to do." He said, "Like what?" I said, "Play with your Batman ["No"], Play with your trains ["I don't wanna."], You can help me fold laundry ["nooooo...."], I have toilets you can scrub." He then said, "Ok." I said, "Ok, what?" He said, "Ok, I want to scrub toilets." LOL. So I set him up with a rag and scrub brush, and sprayed down the toilet myself. I, then, gave him some instructions on what to do. He very seriously told me, "I know. I did this when I was 4." After the toilet, he vacuumed the living room.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Tonight I was doing my best parenting (i.e. letting Evan play his Wii game and letting Delilah watch a DVD on the little DVD player so I can cook dinner). James came home and we were chatting about the day. I could see Delilah dancing and trying to sing to the DVD. She hasn't really done this before, so I called James' attention to it. I should mention that she is obsessed with The Chipmunk Adventure. This is circa 1987, and my sisters and I recorded this movie one of the times we had free HBO and/or Disney Channel. It was also one of the first times I ever made my own soundtrack to a movie (by holding my tape recorder up to the tv and praying that no one walked into the room and spoiled the awesomeness). So, let's just say that I have all the words memorized to the songs. Anyhow, so Delilah got to this part of the movie and was singing and dancing along: (I would embed, but Blogger is being a DB). She put her fist in the air and said, "Rock!" just like Brittany does in the movie. James and I were smiling and saying mouthing how cute she was before this, but when she did her "Rock!" move, James imitated her. She turned around like she was busted, and burst into tears. She cried for a good 10 minutes. I think she was embarrassed. It was so funny and sad at the same time. And then we sat down to dinner, and Evan, who had been complaining of a headache, threw up onto his dinner plate. As you can imagine, dinner just wasn't the same after that.