Work has been busy again. We are trying to get this report issued by the 9th. And I am simultaneously starting another. This new job has me worried for a couple of reasons. I am going to still be working for my long time boss, C. But I will not be in charge of this job. My friend will. So I will be working for my friend. I hope we are still friends when we are done. :P Plus, this job seems to have a life of its own, and is growing out of control. Apparently, the PTB (powers that be) decided to try to kill two birds with one stone with this job. Unfortunately, it is going to take more than one stone. A whole bunch. And lots of crying and rocking in a corner. Oh well. (I also have to say that this job was sold to me as a "quick hitter" and "6 months tops." yeah right. Remind me not to believe the PTB again.)
I am getting excited for the 3 day weekend coming up. I get to spend time with my great little family. I am getting such a kick out of watching the kids grow up. They are such fun little people. And also we are headed down to a family wedding (my uncle's) on Sunday. Evan is really excited about the wedding. He talks a lot about marrying his friend Riley. (And Riley apparently approached James recently about marrying Evan). Evan asked me the other day if I got married twice. I guess in his mind, since you get married and then you have a baby (ideally, anyhow...that is what we talk about), I must have had two weddings. So, if the two concepts are so linked, perhaps he expects my new aunt to have a baby immediately following the wedding? hm.
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago