I have been very bad again and haven't been writing. Even though it is sooooo slooooow at work this week. I have still found a ton of other things to do. Like just now, I was looking for tasty recipes or beautiful things to knit. Gah! So, I am very sorry. I will try to be better.
Things have been a little rough for our family. James' schedule has changed about 5 times in the last month and a half. Once we get used to the idea of one thing, it changes again.
I have also been really bad at the diet again. I just polished off a small bag of nutter butter cookies. I should know better than to have an open container of something at my desk. I am planning to go back on the diet starting next week sometime. There are always a ton of reasons to wait. Valentine's Day, then I have Monday off, then...always something. I started running again at the work gym, but haven't done it this week. That will start again next week.
The kids are doing wonderfully. Evan is getting really excited about his upcoming birthday. He asks every other day or so if it is his birthday tomorrow. To him, "tomorrow" is any day in the future. He is having his Valentine's Day party today. The first in his memory. He is giving out cards and they made their little Valentine's Day mailboxes. Delilah is saying "Uh oh" all the time....over and over at everything. And she claps now. So cute. She just started crying when I leave her for daycare this week. She always goes to the DC provider with a smile, but when I head out the door, she cries and cries. She is the oldest baby in the room now (not the biggest, but the oldest :P ).
Anyhow, I am going to try to be better at this. :) Happy Valentine's Day!
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago