I have somehow managed to go nearly a month without being completely on my own with Delilah....like for a full day. Today is our first morning together alone. I was really worried about how I was going to pump and shower by myself with her. That is part of my anxiety speaking. My mom tells me to focus on today rather than worrying about the future. So I have caught myself several times and put a stop to that sort of thinking. Delilah was pretty happy in the swing while I pumped and then I swaddled her up and put her in a bouncy seat in the bathroom while I showered. She fussed a couple of times but is now asleep in there. Whew. I guess I can't expect every morning to go this well, but what a good start.
I am back on Prozac. I really do think it helps. Today, my mother in law is going to come and allow me some time on my own. I have some errands to run, but mostly I am looking forward to a nap. We have had two bad nights in a row. Last night, Delilah ate every two hours again. She must be going through a growth spurt.
Yesterday, Emily came over and held Delilah while I napped and then she cooked us dinner. It was really very nice. She is a fantastic sister.
Busy Times Ahead of Us
12 years ago